Patrick Lawson
3 min readJul 15, 2015

I hate Jamaica. Now , now everyone put down their pitchforks and torches, I assure you there is a valid reason why I have chosen that title. I had thought long and hard if I should use this title, after all I am a Jamaican, I love in this little tropical paradise and would most certainly get properly cussed out for being ‘foreign minded' by my fellow Jamaican citizens. But I stand by it, I hate Jamaica and here is why.
I hate Jamaica because we have become a country of yes men and a meme/laughing stock of the Caribbean. While our jovial nature is infectious and is one of our trademark selling points in tourism, we have taken it too far. Speaking to a Brazilian native on vacation here, he stated that he doesn’t understand us Jamaicans as we treat even the most dismal of matters as a joke. He referenced the way our politicians treat us as servants at best and slaves at worst, bound to their will and fancy. Every corrupt act is met with a shrug of the shoulders and a collective sigh of 'a so it go' there is no outrage, no calling of heads to roll by a majority. We sigh, smile and go about our business. Our Caribbean neighbours have resorted to calling us calling us the Gypsies of the Caribbean, a title that is undeserved as most Jamaicans help build these countries. There is a recurring joke among many Jamaicans when watching the news which is a bet that it follows the same pattern as every night: murders, tax, the US dollar getting stronger, West Indies test side losing in cricket and the new addition Reggae Boys begging selfies after throwing a match away. Sometimes I don’t know whether to laugh or cry, maybe a bit of both?
I hate Jamaica because we are a nation of blind, short sighted opportunists. We are a willing to gamble our future on any drivel that leaves the mouth of a three card sooth sayer. No matter how unrealistic it is or what it brings in the long term, we live in the now. No matter the cock and bull story we’re told, we willing to try even with the odds overwhelmingly against success. It may be for this reason why pyramid schemes like Olint and CashPlus thrive here. We are willing to skirt the law when it suits us then moan and wail when our actions bite us in the rear or when another’s illegal scheme snares us. There is only the base instinct of “man haffi eat a food." Elections are a joke with persons selling their votes for next to nothing while politicians laugh to the bank. These same politicians pass you in the unemployment line in the latest gas guzzling SUV, windows up, A/c maxed and their incompetence all paid for with your tax dollars.
I hate Jamaica because you are second class citizen in your own country. There is the loud call for Jamaicans to start their own businesses yet in the same breath the Government proceeds to tax these businesses to death. We rarely even try to support our own, the Chinese receive a king’s welcome yet Jamaican entrepreneurs are treated like the bastard step child no one wants to see. We are easily exploited by any foreign entity that seeks to “do business” with us. They simply come, use resources and leave as quickly as possible yet there is the continued emphasis on foreign investment. This is an important economic venture but if it is at the expense of our people, it serves little purpose.
Persons reading this may say I am being harsh but I reserve that right because I love my country passionately but will not turn a blind eye to its shortcomings. Many will claim I am unpatriotic because of this scathing look at our society deep inside we all hate Jamaica because we know we are worth more than what we are right now.

Patrick Lawson
Patrick Lawson

Written by Patrick Lawson

Writer | Blogger | Customer Service Consultant | Occasional Web Designer and all-around fun time.

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